Monday, August 18, 2008


Who doesn't need to be more organized??? As I continue to "collect"....I'm constantly looking for ways to organize my stamps, paper, bling, etc. I got the idea to put some trim up on the walls to hold my stamps. I'm sure I saw it somewhere on line, but who can remember stuff like that. So off I went to Lowes.....rubber stamp in hand! I searched for a piece that was wide enough to hold my stamp and bought 2 8' sections of it. It was already painted white...which made it even sweeter. I (ok, not really "I", it was the hubby) cut each piece in half and nailed them onto wall. Now all of my wood mounted stamps from different companies are right up there on the wall for me to look at and decide which I want to use. How cool is more searching in a drawer!!

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JenMarie said...

LOVE it!!

Flabbernoogles said...

Looks great! Are you sure you've got enough growing room? LOL!

Janice M said...

Nice Job!!! Can I bring over some paper and ink and stamp some of those pumpkins please?!!

Sandy said...

S-U-P-E-R I-D-E-A!!

Miss Boo (a.k.a. jen70) said...

Wow! Your "shelves" are so cool! If I still had wood mounted stamps, I would do the same thing tomorrow.

Stephanie said...

Julie this is awesome... I have givin you an award go check out my blog to find out about it.

Diane S said...

Love this!!!